High End Performance Monaco LP Stabilizer
Turntable LP disc stabilizer/damper
The Piezo Effect and Your Precious LPs
Furutech’s Pure Transmission Piezo Ceramic and Carbon series products feature a breakthrough construction technique. We create a unique material to fashion the products that combines two “active” materials: Nano-sized ceramic particles and powdered carbon. It seems that only nano-sized ceramic particles effectively couples with carbon powder. Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated as well forming an extremely effective, welldamped, mechanically and electrically noresonantmaterial. Yes, we said electrically damped.
Piezoelectric effects are the key. Furutech’s breakthrough employs nano-sized polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic particles that exhibit electro-generativeproperties; mechanical pressure creates an electrical charge forming a bridge between electrical and mechanical oscillation.
Carbon powder exhibits thermal-conductivecharacteristics that interact with the charged ferro-ceramic particles, converting their energy into heat that’s conducted away and released from the surface of the material!
These carefully chosen and tested “active” materials have a mechanical and electrical damping effect as it “interconverts” thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy forthe finest Furutech Pure Transmission LP playback imaginable.
Weight: 210± 5 g
Material: Nonmagnetic stainless steel, Piezo ceramic damping sheet and multi layered carbon fiber